Dodransbicentenntial Celebration
Mar 28, 2025

Leechburg's Dodransbicentenntial Anniversary Celebration Event Schedule
Sunday, June 8
- 5K from the Hyde Park Walking Bridge to Silicon Drive and back - 10:00 am registration
- 12:30 pm Opening Ceremonies (Outdoors) - Leechburg VFC Grounds, 268 Canal Street.
- Leechburg Ministerium presents “We are One Body” Ecumenical Service - Kiski Valley Community Band
- Tours of Leechburg’s Churches, transportation by Byers Taxi - 1:30 pm
- First Baptist Church Creative-Imagination Artwork contest at 111 Siberian Avenue.
- Battle of the Barrel, Leechburg VFC Ground, 268 Canal Street. Time unavailable
- Bocci Tournament at the William Marconi Club, 135 River Avenue. - 1:00 pm
Monday, June 9
- Bike Safety with UPMC at the Leechburg VFC Grounds, 268 Canal Street. Time unavailable
- Leechburg Area Museum presents “What is This” - identifying common items of the past for kids on the museum lawn - 11:00 am, 118 First Street.
- Leechburg Public Library presents Level Up Game Night – Skip Booker’s Jazz Band at Riverfront Park Gazebo - 5:00 pm
Tuesday, June 10
- Leechburg Area Museum presents a “Tour of the Leechburg Cemetery”, transportation by Byers Taxi, parking at 271 Main Street, shuttle leaves 11:00 am.
- Unveiling of the Leechburg Santa Painting - 6:30 pm, Leechburg School Auditorium, 215 First Street. Followed by Leechburg Museum's, A Slide Show History of Leechburg.
Wednesday, June 11
- Antique Appraisal - Ruman & Kraft at the Leechburg Museum, 118 First Street. - 11:00 am (limit 3 items)
- Slovakian Heritage Dancers at the Leechburg Area School Auditorium, 215 First Street. - 6:30 pm
- Leechburg Museum presents Old Films of Leechburg, PA - 7:00 pm
Thursday, June 12
- Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission hosts a Children’s Fishing demonstration at the Masonic Hall Grounds - 12:00 pm, 248 Market Street.
- Keystone Elk County Alliance of Benezette, PA at the B.P.O.E. Ballroom - 3:00 pm, 228 Market Street.
- Dedication of Hyde Park Walking Bridge Historical Marker - 4:45 pm, 476 Canal Street.
- Ducky Race from the Hyde Park Walking Bridge to the Leechburg VFC boat ramp - 5:00 pm
- Annual Flag Day Ceremony - Kiski Valley Community Band at B.P.O.E. Ballroom - 7:00 pm, 228 Market Street.
- Mingle on Market with Magic and the Hot Metal Brass Band - 7:00 pm
- Art Show by Iron Element at 301 Market Street - 5:00 pm
Friday, June 13
- Catfish Tournament at Leechburg Riverfront Park - 7:00 pm to 7:00 am
- Car Show at Christ the King Church - 4:00 pm to 8:00 pm, DJ and Food Trucks, 125 Park Road
- Cat Crusaders sponsors a Bar Crawl of Leechburg
- Leechburg High School Class of 1975 reunion - dance opens to the public at 8:00 pm, 135 River Avenue.
Saturday, June 14
- Catfish Tournament concludes - coffee and donuts at Leechburg VFC Grounds, 268 Canal Street. - 7:00 am
- Anything That Floats Race begins at Leechburg VFC boat ramp, 268 Canal Street. - 10:00 am. Race concludes at Leechburg Riverfront Park kayak launch. Awards Ceremony - 4:30 pm
- Hotdog eating contest - 12:00 pm. Amber and Alexia perform at the Leechburg Riverfront Park Gazebo - 1:00 pm, food trucks at Leechburg Riverfront Park for the event.
- Parade on Market Street - 6:00 pm
- Drone Show & Closing Ceremonies at Veterans Memorial Field - 8:00 pm, 151 Logan Avenue.
For additional information including volunteering and registration for the parade – visit the Leechburg Library Facebook page, call 724-236-0080, or stop at the Leechburg Library: 139 Market Street.
All events are tentatively scheduled and subject to change!