a Member
preserve our
history, the
Leechburg Area Museum and Historical
Society needs your help.
Become a member --
our annual membership fees are reasonable,
run from March to March of each year and
help offset our operational
Individual Memberships:
- Student ------------------- $1.00
- General ----------------- $10.00
- Patron ------------------- $30.00
- Life Membership ---- $125.00
Business / Organization Memberships:
- Life ---------------------- $125.00
- Patron -------------------- $30.00
All members receive a copy of
The Lookout, our newsletter. In it, you'll
find a calendar of Museum events as well as Leechburg
celebrations; new acquisitions at the Museum; "Sea
of Flags" tributes; Signature Quilt sign-up information;
seasonal raffle information; reprints of historical
advertisements and news from long ago; our 'Wish List'
of items or volunteer work needed to keep the Museum
and its collection at its freshest and finest; and